Push and Back

It’s been a long time since I sit down and write about my journey in Australia. Everyday has been fulfilling and at the end of the way I always feel too tired to think about writing on my blog.

I had my first in-door rocking climbing experience in Sydney. To make it more fun, the rock climbing place was so hard to find (even with google maps on iphone). We had to pass through a hospital. Eventually we made it, and that was the easy part. Rock climbing was harder than I thought. I was afraid that I would fall but of course that wouldn’t happen because we had harness. I like that I had to trust my partner not to let me go.

The weekend after that, the weather  got really nice so it was time for push and back (biking) in manly. I started off the day by missing the train, which caused us to miss the ferry. The worst thing that happen was my bike I got broke half way. In the end, I got more exercise by walking the bike back and got a new bike.

Highlight of the day: I saw dolphins. Tons of them. Too bad I couldn’t capture it on my bulky camera.

Sydney’s weather changes all the time. Sometimes you can experience all four seasons in one day. Last friday, it was 31 degrees C during the day. It felt like an extreme hot day in Vancouver (one of those days out of the year that  you wish you had an air-conditioner). By the time I got off work, it was windy and cold. But since I already purchased tickets, the other interns and I went to Luna park anyway. The park itself was quite old school. We had fun, but if you are looking for those really scary rollercoaster rides/’hellivator’, you are not gonna get them. Again, it was too windy and cold for an amusement park.

Canberra, the capital of Australia, is nowhere as impressive as Ottawa. The government structure is similar of what we have in Canada. The only different (that I found) was that they elect their senators while they get appointed in canada. The parliament building is modern. I was disappointed that we didn’t make it for a guided tour. I probably missed a lot of things because they weren’t been pointed out to me. Oh well. All in all, it was a fun trip with culture exchange at parliament building parking lot (inside joke) and loads of tulips. PS, on the way back we saw angels crossing the street in Sydney CBD. Make a wish?

Today marks 2 months since I arrive to Australia. Everyday is an adventure. I never get bored. However, I gotta say. I really don’t have time on weekdays to do anything, unless it’s a friday. Cooking/daily chores can take so long. 😦 I try to do them in one day so it lasts longer.

Now time to sleep (again). XOXO. Believe it or not, I miss taking skytrain and driving in Vancouver! ❤


Manly Beach

Australians sure love their beer.

Time flies! It’s almost a month since I left Van(Rain)couver for Australia! I think I am slowly getting used to the Aussie accent. I remember feeling shameful that I had to ask people to repeat what they said even though I came from an English speaking country.

I never thought I would have a problem with this word – beer. If you are at a pub and you say “I need more beer”, under the context, it is easy to understand, no matter what accent you use to say beer.

After house hunting for almost 4 weeks, I finally moved in to a very nice place close to work. My flatmate is a really nice lady with her son. Her husband is away all the time. Before I moved in, the flatmate asked me to go to dinner with her family. During the dinner, the husband mentioned that he fixed people his computer and he gets beer (as a payment). I thought he said “bill” or “bell” but not alcohol. Oh well.

A few things that I dislike about Australia so far:

  • Smokers are everywhere. I do not want second hand smoke, thanks!
  • Houses/apartments does not insulate well (on top of a cold house in winter, you are suppose to finish your shower within 3 mins)
  • People can be rude: I hop on the lift and people turn their heads so there is no “Hi, How are you?” conversation
  • Garbage: I have a pet peeve about people who don’t recycle, I don’t think Australians are as conscious about recycling as North Americans
  • People leaving garbage on the train
  • The train: You can buy a weekly train ticket from Station A to Station C; then one day out of the week, you need to go from A to B, which is closer than A to C, sorry you cannot do that….

I guess I was in Vancouver so long that I took those things for granted.

It’s getting late again. Time to sleep, Ciao!